What happened to my account?!???!
I've been using this app for such a long time now. All of a sudden this new update caused my app to go to the login screen. Ok. No problem. Except that I can no longer log in! I try many times with the same result:"oops...please try again" message. Ok. I'll just hit the forgot password link. Same sad result. I fear that all my data (almost a year's worth) is now gone. This was a good app before. Not fancy - but I got very used to the setup and reading the chart. I would recommend using another app seeing as these developers will simply toss your data with the next update! To the developers: huge let down! fix this bug!!! Update: Since the app was now useless, I thought I'd try reinstalling it. When I did that the App Store (never the app) told me that the new iOS was required for this app to work. TO THE DEVELOPERS: What an *awful* user experience. You could have given your users fair warning - within the app - that this was going to happen. I (much like many others) never update os's right when they are released. I'll have to wait to back up and update before I can even think about using this app again. UPDATE 2024: I was able to get the app to work again until the new iOS with intelligence came out. Ever since, this app stopped working again. I let the devs know and they just told me to update the app to the latest version. But I did that and it still crashes on opening. Please fix this is guys. It’s going on 2 months not working now. Awful.