Filo: Homework & Exam Help

Learning app for homework help

Published by: Filo Edtech


Filo is the world's only live instant tutoring app where students are connected with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for 1-1, interactive video sessions.
Filo works 24*7 and the tutors are always available to explain, help, solve, in short, do whatever it takes to assist the student in that very moment. More than 2.2 million students across 15+ countries are using Filo for assignment help, homework help, exam help, understanding concepts, solving problems and doing revisions. We have over 60,000+ active tutors, making us the largest community of tutors in the world.
Get online Maths tutoring, SAT preparation help, PSAT preparation help, school exam help, homework help, assignment help and understand tough subjects like - physics, chemistry, biology, maths and many more! Live 1-to-1 solutions for Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, among other topics and exam preparation help for GED test, SAT, PSAT, NMSQT, HiSET, ACT, AP, and IELTS among others.
Practice mock tests & question papers for SAT, school and other examinations. Maths tutors are available with other subjects like physics, chemistry, biology and more...
Why Filo is a valuable application for students?
- Filo has been designed keeping in mind the different learning capabilities of individual students
- Filo has developed an ecosystem of tutors and students which is powered by technology, enabling them to have real conversations that are personalized.
- Students have to take a picture of any question, doubt or textbook paragraphs, or they can also type their questions. After submitting, they will get connected to a qualified tutor within 60 seconds.
- Students get the entire explanation, steps and solution from a teacher in real time over a video or audio call
- It is a concept and question-clearing app where students get personalized sessions from experts over a video call
- Students can understand each and every step on the call & can cross-question till the concept is not clear
- Students can interrupt the tutor as many times as they want and get concepts cleared
- Students can improve their scores on SAT and other exams on Filo
- Learning is available 24*7
- It's an app to connect & discuss with top IITians
- Ask questions anytime, anywhere and on any topic
- Get exam preparation help for SATs, ACT, AP, IELTS, IB MYP, IB DP & GED Test
Study Revision, question & concepts clearing.
If you are studying in grades 8th-12th Filo is the best self-study app. Just post your question and an expert tutor will solve it in the best possible way.
Learn concepts and solutions for physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and English language Arts from grades 6th-12th. Filo can also help you get more advanced exam preparation help for SAT, ACT, AP, and GED tests and various other important exams 24X7.
We cater to grades 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th classes. Subjects include Maths, Science, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology & more.
Clear your concepts on Filo anytime during the day.
- Easiest way to prepare for competitive exams like SATs
- Math question-solving app
- Physics question-solving app
- Chemistry question-solving app
- Clear your concepts on Filo anytime during the day.
- Easiest way to prepare for competitive exams like SATs
- Math question-solving app
- Physics question-solving app
- Chemistry question-solving app

Other Awards -
- Winner of Best Education Startup of the Year 2022 by Entrepreneur India Awards
- Winner of Job Creator of the Year 2022 by Amazon Awards
- Winner of Best Learning Platform of the Year 2022 by International Glory Awards
- Winner of Best Tutoring Solution of the Year 2022 by Indian Education Awards
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Filo FAQ

  • Is Filo free?

    Yes, Filo is completely free and it doesn't have any in-app purchases or subscriptions.

  • Is Filo legit?

    ‼️️ The Filo app seems suspicious. Many reviews appear fake or manipulated. Exercise caution.

    Thanks for the vote

  • How much does Filo cost?

    Filo is free.

  • What is Filo revenue?

    To get estimated revenue of Filo app and other AppStore insights you can sign up to AppTail Mobile Analytics Platform.

User Rating

4.9 out of 5

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Filo Reviews


HoLySaCre on



All my doubts solved

Shyamli 1831 on


I have as far as now loved the app . And got all my doubts answered . Although i am having premium free trail pack one day but i dont see why i need it. I think even withiut premium this app works fantastically well. All doubts are correctly solved


Surendar 1 on



Just amazing

Addu15 on


The app is super helpful for students who do self study. Whatever the time there ia teacher available for you. It just takes few seconds to connect to a teacher. I am so happy i came across this app

Thank you

Anshsandhu on



The app is great but some aspects can be improved .

Shvant on


The overall idea and the features of the app are great . Some of the teachers are really really good and clear all your concepts . The only problem is that the number of quality teachers especially for JEE Mains or advanced is very low . Most teachers so far are of NEET and finding a teacher of JEE Advanced is very rare .


Arsh khurmi on


Its good

Unskilled teachers

Shivang Karthikey on


This aap is strictly not for jee mains or advanced .Till now no one can clear any of my doubts and teachers here need a lot of improvement.They might solve cbse doubts but jee its strictly not recommended

Thank’s for solving my doubts filo

Maahi Panghal on



Normal doubts are not cleared

Vijaya 😎 on


I had a doubt in modern physics where the question’s concept was understood by me but the calculation was wrong in the options so I thought I might be wrong and I went to filo to ask them about the doubt but turns out he said me to show the solution that I did I totally do my solutions in a rough manner wherever I want because I am a jee aspirant so I don’t have the time to solve it very neatly I was telling him the answers but then turns out the session was ended by him silly or not the doubt should be cleared so yeah that’s my experience.

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