Lacks all the functions I need
I need to use the app for two things, but there are major problems with each: (1) Registering for group classes. Most of the time, the app refuses to recognize that I have a paid group class subscription. It won’t let me register for classes, as a result. I’ve spoken to my local gym staff about this and they told me a month ago they were aware of the problem (I’m not the only one impacted), but, as yet, I’m still unable to register for any classes via the app. (2) Scheduling private training sessions. The app requires that you search by date. Then you select the trainer you want. Then it tells you what availability if any that trainer has on that date. If the time/date you want isn’t available, you have to go back to your calendar to figure out another time slot and then start all over again in the app. There appears to be no way to search by trainer and see all available time slots for that trainer. Since most people, I assume, want to see the same trainer each time, it would be REALLY helpful to be able to search by trainer and see all that person’s availability at a glance. I’m hoping the developers will fix these issues soon as otherwise the app is essentially useless. I would have given it one star but I added a star because, on the very rare occasion when I was actually able to schedule through it, it did automatically add the booking to my calendar