Schedule weather notifications to pushed to you whenever you want. Just select an airpot and a delivery date/time and Flight Service will deliver via a push notification that airport’s up-to-date METAR. Amazing.
FlightService provides an easy and convenient way to look-up Airport and Navigation Aid information from around the world.
FlightService gives you important information for over 10,000 airports and 3,700 navigation aides all right on your iPhone/iPod touch. No internet connection is required - data (other than current weather) is stored completely on your device.
Other features include:
- Current weather for major airports
-Runway information for each runway includes length, heading and ILS identifier, heading and frequency (where applicable).
-Powerfully and quickly search both identifiers and names to quickly find what you are looking for.
-Maintain a list of favorites to store your frequently accessed information
-Quickly view airports in a list or on a map near your current location or near any navigation aid.
Have a suggestion or idea for a new feature? Please email:
[email protected]