It's so bizarre! Even the weather is tainted by Liberalism. In this era of 'be positive' it sure is funny that the weather 'people' seem to thrive on 'negativism'. It's summer in the South. It's been hot and humid for as long as I can remember way back in the mid-sixties. But now we have to dramatize it with red colored maps and red faced emogies with tears and 'heat advisories' when my home and car thermometer register 90 degrees. Oh but wait, 'it feels like 105' because of the humidity! LOL ya'll are pathetic! And then there's the confusing 'past, present and future' setting on the radar. It used to be clear and accurate, you could actually zoom in to your street and watch the rain arrive and hear it on your roof. That was way too accurate and left your 'blabbers' out. And then there's this 'rubbing your hands together' for the arrival of the 'Hurricane Season', absolutely disgusting! It used to be just the weather channel displaying this strange gloating behavior in the face of disaster. Now it's every weather app, channel and 'meteorologist''s punishment for not believing in the global warming narrative. I'm sick of the bull$#it!!