⊳ Plots unlimited number of functions on the same graph.
⊳ Automatically finds coordinates of roots, intersections and local extremums by double-tapping over the desired point.
⊳ Plots polar, cartesian, and parameterized curves.
⊳ Classic calculator mode, to perform manual calculations in addition to the function graphing mode.
⊳ Real-time zooming and panning using finger gestures.
⊳ Familiar scientific keyboard.
⊳ History of the last 20 functions.
FxPad is a powerful calculator for students or math teachers who need to graph and analyze functions. With fxPad you can quickly draw the curves of mathematical functions and easily obtain the coordinates of interesting points, such as intersections, zeros, minimums and maximums.
- Find polynomial roots, or solve equations like f(x) = 0
- Find local minimum & maximum
- Find intersections between several functions or solve equations like f(x) = g(x)
FxPad was mentionned in the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics's newsletter (Spring 2010) :
FxPad's intuitive user interface makes it useful straight from the beginning. No slow learning curve is needed before starting to plot your first function and locate interesting function points.
All the following classic functions are available:
abs, acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atanh, cos, cosh, exp, rnd, ln, log, sign, sin, sinh, square root, tan, tanh
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