Extremely rare accuracy
I can tell you this is the best app experience I have had in a accurate details. I use it as my main scrying tool at work as an adviser n I recommend the tool with highest regards. Not only is it superb in details n style it fits perfectly in motif n design for spiritual purpose n occult connection. It helps with mediumship it connected me to my great grandmother right away. In so giving me answers I needed to confirm in such accuracy I cannot doubt it at all was speaking with her. I’m sure to use this in my studies for occult phenomena n data research papers. I connected with many on the other side in ways that are way to accurate it’s so refreshing to have a tool that I cannot doubt. In this I look forward to its discovery to prove how technology can be a bridge to the other worlds and how it works can determine a future of so. It truly is an experience that I look forward to in my daily practices. Kindly, Wynter Nagyazary