What an absolute ’U-Know-What!’ This app does absolutely nothing other than give you a current price of gold. And you only have TWO currency options! I’m Canadian; there is NO currency option for it or 99.9% of currencies. The ONLY screen that you get, is a ONE dimensional graph of the price. That’s right; ONE dimensional! And you need at least two dimensions to actually have any intelligent data! So you have this moving price graph - with NO time frame! I mean, how insane is that!? I can only guess that the data point timeframe is about three minutes as - any of the graph that you see, will be off the screen in about that amount of time. And is that absolutely ridiculous or what?! Has anyone ever selected anything less than an hour for data points in a financial chart graph? No, they want to see graphs that range from 1 hour to 5 years. And they want to know which the heck time frame they are looking at! Good Lord! This would be a piece of garbage if it were free even! The other two reviews must be from Bart’s family members!