Basic, no frills information - No ads
A good locator if you want numerical format for Latitude & Longitude information in a ‘no frills’ format. The app also displays the course you are heading, along with speed. Seems to use the user settings on the phone with no other direct way to change format. Another features is that it shows the current location name (ie city, town) and state, along with the zip code. And there are sharing options for the phone & Facebook. If you want a no-frills & ad free GPS app, this one may be it. It is a lot easier to read than other apps I have used. And I work for the US Census Bureau and often have to find the corrected GPS coordinates for places I visit. Growing tired of small print on a larger screen phone ... yet want a numerical translator if you will. Apple’s Compass has no way of converting to a numerical format, and that is what the bureau uses. Until some other developer can create a no-frills and ad-free app, even at a reasonable cost, may be using this simple yet informative GPS Location app.