The worst survival game
Sorry but game is not about survival it is about paying money. Items durability is so low and for two skull location you need at least 2or3 complete sets of equipment! Rewards can hardly cover cost one equipment cost. Developers claim that we need perks but chance for find a book with perk is almost zero and the only way is to buy for real money (again). Difficulty difference between one and two skull is huge. Enemies in 2s are more than 3times stronger in HP and in DMG. But the most stupid thing is combat with other players. They run to me like a crazy…they perfectly know where Exactly I am and they run around other enemies whose totaly ignore them. Also they start attacking during a looting. Very similarly runs other enemies. I never met the enemy before but it dive into me over the map. Bad rly bad and the most important thing if you byu something for real money during the event and dont pick up you wont see the items ever.