Gudak Cam
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The Gudak Cam has been designed to focus on long-term memory, reminiscence. It is recalling the images you took 72 hours later, when 80% of your memory has blurred and faded away, will turn your short-term memory into long-term memory. Our team also has attempted to reproduce the in-the-moment experience of taking photos by eliminating the Instant Review feature found on conventional digital cameras and reducing 95 % of the conventional viewfinder feature, leaving only the bare minimum needed for taking shots.

"Gudak-dari Camera", as its name suggests, refers to a time-worn and antique camera. Living in a digital generation where "Un-do" function is prevalent, we may have lost

the thrill of making new and conscious decisions. "Patients is a virtue" has faded its original value and people are getting used to selecting one palatable photo out of a myriad of photos. Amid this so-called "digitalization", we hope you to recall the thrill of making new choices by seizing the "Gudak Moment".

Gudak 3.2 Update has added a self-camera feature that allows you to shoot with a front camera as Gudak feels.
Experience a new look of Gudak and a variety of emotional photos with front cameras as well as rear cameras. The theme will be updated further in the future.

*The Lecoq film is only available in Korea.

Also, for those who feel that Gudak photos are dark, you can adjust the brightness of photos through the newly added ISO (based on world standard film sensitivity).

A Gudakbook icon has been added to make Gudak photos a real album. Try to experience the feeling of those days through Gudakbook like the excitement I felt when printing the film camera. You can apply for Gudakbook through the print icon on the Printed Envelope Check page.

[Explanation of Authority ]

Essential access authority
- Cameras: Camera access for photography
- Save: External Storage Read/Write permissions for photoshooting, storing, and bringing in

Selective access
* You can use the service without agreeing to access rights.
- Location: Location access to tag location information in pictures
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3.27 out of 5

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so far so good!

kiwivy on

loving this app, capturing my memories of my life and friends! if only… there could be more than 24 films!!!!!! in a roll..

Selfie Mode Not Working

Srh Tn on

Everytime i take a picture in selfie mode the number of pictures left will go down as per normal. However when I leave the app and reenter, the number goes back up. When the roll is finished and developed, none of the selfies taken appears.

authorisation status 2

1234ying on

hi may i know how do i solve this issues because it won’t load my photos despite waiting for three days and it will always pop up this issue .. hope h would tell me how to solve it since all my pics r not loaded thank u !

So many issues

ereryke on

My new films won’t develop. The old ones that were stored in-app won’t load, I keep on getting a black screen. The app crashes when I try to open it. Honestly really sad because I have been using the app for 1 year + and I have a pretty decent amount of film rolls full of memories :-(

cant open the app

kendosnnnn on

I cant open the app when i click it after upgrade.

just like a film camera

Dhanira on

I love this app and the end products I get. It’s always a surprise after the film develops to see if the shots turn out well. However, now I’m experiencing a problem. Whenever I want to develop the films, it says I don’t have authorisation to do so. Please advice. I have precious captures.

app crash

jkkkkwanggg on

please fix this problem i am not able to change to different skins & whenever i try to do so the app crashes ugh

Problem with redeveloping

tsum2fan on

Hi! I’ve been using Gudak for two years now & I love it :) however I tried to redevelop a film I took 2 months ago but my screen just shows “developing a film...” it has been hours and I have not exited the app... if I delete & reinstall the app, am I still able to access the the other 3 rolls of films I have taken but not yet developed (3 days is not up yet)? Please advise, thank you!

Run in background

dopusuba on

Lost 1 whole film of pictures only the dates were shown after the development.

amazing retro app!

twotwenn_ on

i really love this whole concept as it reminds me of my film camera, just that i don’t need to specially go down to develop my film! the waiting time is alright for me cos it seems like a surprise element add to it as at times i would forget what kind of shots i took (just like the film camera) and will get some element of surprise when my photos get developed. tho i understand many wants the selfie camera to be incorporated, but i’m perfectly fine without it since naturally film cameras do not have such functions. although i do hope we have the option to import photos from our camera rolls to develop for the filters (i don’t mind waiting 72 hours for it!g

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App Info

Photo Video
Screw Bar Inc.
Korean, English
Recent version
3.3.0 (2 years ago )
Released on
Jun 7, 2017 (6 years ago )
Last updated
8 hours ago