Pretty good but one issue
It’s a cute game, all the different animals are quite cute but I don’t think it’s as good a game as catroom which is also by cross field. Unfortunately they seem to have stopped the upkeep on catroom which is why I decided to try Happy Garden. It’s quite an addictive game, especially in the beginning as you’re trying to get established. I think they made the game a little too difficult in several ways. 1. The timing is a bit off. The animals will ask you to purchase things way before you could be reasonably expected to have gained that much money so it rather hinders your progress in the game. 2. A number of the puzzle levels are a bit too difficult in my opinion. I’ve had it where all four animals are asking for things that are gained by beating puzzle levels but the level is so hard I’m stuck working on the same puzzle for days at a time. Also I don’t like that not only does it cost coins to get some of the recipes, it costs coins to make them as well. That feels like overkill to me. 3. Puzzle level 698 is absolutely impossible. I’m completely convinced it cannot be done no matter what you do which is extremely frustrating. 😞