Fun but needs some refinement.
I enjoy this game very much. I probably spent 3 hours playing before I ran out of all options to continue. I love that there aren’t any adds so please keep it that way! While you are doing so much right with this app, there are some problems too. I have been stuck on the same level with no way to advance without spending money for about a day now. I have retried this level probably 50 times and I’m really starting to wonder if y’all didn’t make it impossibly hard on purpose to get people to pay money for power ups. Its level 49. It would be great if y’all made this level possible to pass. However, if I’m running into this problem on this one level, I wonder how many other levels past this point have the same problem. I simply do not have game spending money in my budget and most other people don’t either. Especially if this is a recurring problem. I can’t spend money over and over again on one game. So I guess I’m forever stuck unless you either make the level easier or implement a skip level feature. Maybe you could get a skip level option for watching an add or something like that so y’all can still get some money out of it. ( I know I said earlier I don’t like adds but I think optional adds here and there are ok if they would allow me to advance.) I also get that you want the game to be challenging, however I have an IQ of 120 which is higher than most people’s. If I can’t pass this level, its too hard for the general population to pass. You also can’t say on one side of your mouth that you want the levels to be challenging then on the other side of your mouth offer game beating powers if you paying money. That’s a logical contradiction so I would argue that you don’t care about the game being challenging, you care about getting paid… which is understandable. But don’t say you won’t change this “because you want the game to be challenging”. But over all this game is awesome!!! You guys did so much to avoid the typical problems with mobile apps and it shows! Thank you for all your hard work.