This is a PRO version of (How to) Pronounce. No ads! View definitions and record your pronunciation of the word you check to compare it with the model!
Currently, we support English (British, American, Australian), Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Arabic, Turkish, Korean and Hindi.
Learning English, German, French, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese? Use (How to) Pronounce to learn the pronunciation of words and phrases you encounter. Just type in a word or phrase and hear it. Learn words that are commonly mispronounced. Learn the intonation of phrases. Adjust the speed at which an utterance is spoken to hear the details of each sound.
Did you realize that for good comprehension pronunciation is equally, if not more, important than grammar and vocabulary? Incorrect pronunciation of a word can entirely confuse the other person and/or block communication.
With (How to) Pronounce, you can easily check the pronunciation of a word or phrase and memorize it. You can also check how a native speaker of the language you are learning could say a word in your language.
A must-have for all language users but particularly for:
* learners of foreign languages,
* teachers,
* actors,
* singers,
* public speakers,
* businessmen.
This app is an ad-free version of (How to) Pronounce. You might want to test the free version in order to find out if the app suits your needs. The app uses a top-class text-to-speech system to generate speech which, in rare cases, may generate slightly inaccurate pronunciations.
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All topics
59.00 r
Business Words (English)
29.00 r
Medicine Words (English)
29.00 r
Advanced Food Words (English)
9.00 r
Intermediate Food Words (English)
9.00 r
Computers and programming (English)
29.00 r
Words commonly mispronounced (English)
9.00 r