App is terrible. Bank lets accounts be taken over from identity thieves. If you are a victim of theft and card and wallet is stolen. The bank will demand you to file a police report and revoke your debit card even if it’s not your fault. Bank will refuse to refund unauthorized charges even though it says you are not liable for fraudulent charges in their terms and conditions. If you cannot provide a police report the following day they will decline your dispute saying you didn’t provide them the required documents even with your police report. App was hacked and funds were transferred and stolen. They refused to refund the charges. Customer service cannot help either. Quintin customer service manager will blame you the victim of theft and then he will close your account without reason. Even when the issue wasn’t caused by you or theft. I wouldn’t recommend this app to my worst enemy worst bank of the planet. They don’t refund unauthorized charges and they will allow you to be breached and blame you the victim.