This company is Trying to hack into your phone to steal your account and personal information for there benefits. Their sending weird texts like someone just purchased items in the amount of in your number and with credit card in your name and their spelling words incorrectly and spacing words out in the text messages their sending to the phone that’s red flag there their also acting and make it seems as if your crazy when you ask questions such as why you need this information or why is it displaying recording your screen not knowing the average company ask for email address or see you email or give you a website to fill a application out for a claim lady’s and gentlemen please be wear of these scammers calls and texts messages it’s the holiday and close to tax sessions theses people and company are doing anything to get an make a dollar quickly whether it’s leaking your phone accounts personal account or identify and please screenshot your text messages calls and email for your back up within proof these company and people think we stupid thank god my kids were home at the time when this company tell my kids were home to help me realize what this company was trying to do to me and my personal information and you can Google the number and email their contacting you from it’s going to show you their scammers