Witty, addictive fun
If you’re a fan of crosswords, Jumble, Wordle, etc., this game is an excellent addition to your repertoire. In it, you’re given a six-letter word and a clue, and you must swap out two of the letters to form a new word that fits the clue. Of the four levels, FUN and WIZ are straightforward, while PRO and ZEN get delightfully cryptic. Now, I *LOATHE* advertisements with a burning passion—when they appear, I literally set down my phone and refuse to watch—so I’d be the first to complain if they were excessive. But I also feel like the year-old reviews really must be outdated, because as of now, the ads here are no more frequent/intrusive than in any other free app. (For reference, I just went 9 games before a “Go Ad-Free” pop-up, and then 2 more before an actual ad.) Once there’s a lifetime ad removal option, I’ll be investing in that. Til then, I’m suffering through them, because the game is fun enough to be worth it.