Not a streaming platform….as stated
lol i literally downloaded this JUST to leave a review. For all the 1⭐️ complaints, they clearly state that this isn’t a streaming platform. It’s a way to peruse the different series and movies that are out there. It’s kinda genius. Instead of looking through that multiple platforms have to individually offer, you see everything in one app. You curate your own lists and then you know exactly what you’re looking for when you do go into one of your platforms. Think of it like making a grocery list… you still have to go to the store (or order online) to get the items in your list. But when you do go, you’re not empty handed wandering around randomly. You’ve got your list, you know what you want. Grab it and go. For me I’ll end up actually watching something now, instead of spending all night adding things to my watchlist knowing that I’ll never watch them until I pass out.