250kr. om året - ellers kan du ikke bruge appen
Appen kører på abonnement, så man kan vælge et månedligt eller årligt beløb at betale. Vi er virkelig i en tidsalder, hvor intet er ens eget - alt skal være til låns på abonnement… øv. Update: Thank you, developer, for your reply. I guess I do not see the value in constantly updating an app in which kids are supposed to colour pictures. The old fashioned coloring book works perfectly fine and has done so in generations. Maybe you have a few games included, but again, if they work, they work, so why keep updating? I would like a product, that is ready to use, done, the final version. And I would like to purchase that product for a fixed price. And then I would like to use the product in the way I see fit, without having to pay for it every month. So, clearly, your app is just not the right product for me, and though it might be the future, I dislike the business model you use. For any potential buyers of this product: My one star rate is based on the fact, that you cannot use the app without paying on a monthly or yearly basis. That was not stated, when I downloaded the app. The actual app might be good, if you subscribe. I guess you can read some of the other reviews if you are interested in knowing what subscribers think :)