M4 Women Magazine
Business + Lifestyle
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M4 Women Magazine is a media platform for women in business where you can showcase your business free. The mission of M4 Women Magazine is to provide networking opportunities, business insight, support, tools at the intersection of technology, business and education.

Send us your articles, blogs, photos, videos, offers, coupons, discounts and we'll publish them for you. We host monthly virtual events where you can also sign up to be a speaker and meet the community of worldwide women who are passionate about building meaningful connections, helping each other and learning and collaborating in the process.

Do you want to learn about the news in marketing, business, health, fitness, wellness and lifestyle? Head over our news section to find out the latest trends. Do you want to learn about business with actionable tips and advice? Launch the latest issue of the magazine or browse the last ones and you'll find the best advice from real and successful women in business from all around the world.

Do you want to find a place where you can confidently share your business news, podcast episodes, your stories or just showcase your offers? This is the place to be and it's free. Here you can chat with other business owners and make connections.

A balanced lifestyle and a healthy business future is the aim of M4 Women Magazine. The modern woman who is aware of the opportunities of being independent while also enjoying her time and family. At work, you can head to the main menu and open the M4 Women Radio music section created with you in mind. Imagine listening to relaxing, chill music while you put into work your amazing skills.

The M4 Women Events are hosted every month and includes Virtual Galleries, Virtual Product Showcase, Business Expo Shows, Trainings, and more.

Welcome to the family! We're here to help you on your journey!
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App Info

Diana Moreno
Recent version
1.1 (3 years ago )
Released on
Feb 24, 2021 (3 years ago )
Last updated
2 weeks ago