For the serious student of the Maya Calendar Round & Long Count
There is a wealth of detailed information about The Maya Calendar Round and The Long Count on the Explorer Tab of the iPhone's Maya 3D App. Note: Anytime “NOW” is clicked, Today's Gredorian Date will be displayed along with all the other fields in the Explorer Tab. Starting from the top: (1) The displayed Gregorian Date (2) The displayed Julian Day that can be edited to show any other Julian Day (All fields are updated) (3) The displayed Long Count Date that can be edited to show any other Long Count Date. Right below the Long Count Date is its numerical value. Its Label is titled “Kin”. (All fields are updated) (4) The displayed daily Numerical (0 to 19) and Name settings for the Haab Month. Next to its Name, in parenthesis, is the Haab Name’s Position in its Cyclic Order. Right below its Name is shown the current Day of the 365 Year’s Haab Calendar. Its Label is titled “Kin”. (5) The displayed daily Numerical (1 to 20) and Name settings for the Tzolkin Day. Next to its Name, in parenthesis, is the Tzolkin Name’s Position in its Cyclic Order. Right below its Name is shown the current Day of the 260 Year’s Tzolkin Calendar. Its Label is titled “Kin”. (6) The displayed Calendar Round's Repetition Cycle since the Maya Calendar’s beginning (each complete Cycle is 18,980 days). Right next to that it shows how many Days have elapsed since the beginning of the current Cycle. Its Label is titled “Kin”. (Currently we are in the 98th Calendar Round's Repetition Cycle which began on April 2, 2013, Long Count Date (7) The display shows that the first Day of each Calendar Round's Repetition Cycle has the Calendar Round Name and Number as Haab 0 Pop & Tzolkin 2 lk