An extremely convenient interface to quickly check the current weather outside your window and the weather forecast minute by minute, hourly, and daily.
º Current Weather
Temperature, feels-like temperature, cloudiness, precipitation, wind, wind gusts, UV index, humidity, dew point, visibility, pressure, pressure trend. Also, the maximum and minimum temperatures for today, sunrise and sunset times, and day length.
º Minute-by-Minute
Forecast Precipitation intensity per hour, probability of precipitation, temperature, cloudiness, total precipitation for the next hour.
º Hourly Forecast
Temperature, cloudiness, precipitation, probability of precipitation, wind speed, wind direction.
º Daily Forecast for 9-10 Days
Weather description for the day, amount of precipitation, maximum and minimum temperatures, wind and wind gusts, UV index, sunrise and sunset times, day length, moonrise and moonset times, moon phase.
• Minute-by-Minute Forecast: Know what to expect from the weather in the next few minutes.
• Scale: Wind - compare wind strength using the 12-point Beaufort scale. UV index according to the 13-point scale, etc.
• Accuracy: We use the latest technologies to provide the most accurate forecast.
• Convenience: Intuitive interface that allows you to quickly find the necessary information.
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