Gone down hill.
I’ve been a user for a year now. This app has gone extremely down hill. When I first joined it did what it said. Supported women and took care of trolls and fakes and men. Some women would complain of bullying (and still do) but in reality, the women that do just don’t like to hear the truth. They want to be coddled and told their pregnant (just and example) off of coincidences and call bullying or rude when you don’t tell them what they want to hear. But that’s been here the whole time and is not the issue with the app now. The issue now is that they’ve stopped paying for the Western end (it’s a Russian app) to be monitored, it’s gone to hell. One day we woke up and there were a TON more Mods. Still only one active Administrator though. Then just a few weeks later we wake up and almost all the Mods has been removed (including the Administrator by her own choice) and it was a free for all. This is when US stopped being monitored and the auto ban kicked on. 3 weeks ago someone went around and complained on active and helpful profiles. These women were a lot of the ones that would tell it like it is. They wouldn’t coddle. They’d provide accurate and scientific based information and provide sources if requested. Some of the best women on the app. Because it’s not being monitored, an autoban kicked in and not only suspended their profiles, but actually blocked their devices from being able to make new profiles. Countless emails have been sent. In app messages from other users. And posts made. And still, no response has come from US or Russia. It’s been weeks. Do yourself a favour and don’t join until it’s back to being monitored and concerns addressed. Especially if your looking for honest and direct advice or don’t mind a difference of opinion. Because all you’ll get now is coddling because either the honest women are banned or too afraid of getting banned now. Mom.Life: get your act together and FIX this mess! #freebeakymcspence