It’s pretty good so I’m posting as much info to help other providers
At first I was unsure and kept having to ask may gf to look since I only had androids at the time. And the reason I was unsure is because it portrayed a regular client I see as a cop! I guess lots of people in te Bìz want to keep the good Regis to themself. But he’s a great no maintenance reg. In fact the very first I’d seen when I first started. He doesn’t even look coppy if I were to guess. So I thought this was not very accurate. But gave it another chance an swear by it now! Please ladies this is one of the fastest free places we can check while texting at same time nohh tg to lose them by taking too long. Put accurate info by experience you had and pug as much info as u can. Let’s keep each other safe. I know from experience that it’s hard to find a trustworthy gf to work with in this pond we swim in. There’s plenty of men out there and if we keep them in our circle they always come back around and everyone stays safe. Trust the Universe it always has has our back!! Be safe and help one another! Xoxo