Myflixer: Keep track of your collection and your wish list
Get full movie info straight from themoviedb-TMDB, like cast, crew, plot, episode lists, etc.
Features App:
- Easy to use - Smart search
- Full informations all your needed with a movie or tv show
- Browse, sort, group and search your movie inventory in many ways
- Discover the most popular, top rated movie, TV show's season and season's episode information
- Show details infos, series/seasons TV show: includes genres, release date, cast, crew, ratings, reviews, etc.
- Read reviews from other users
- Official movie trailers HD
- Easily add movies to your favorite list
- Search to show favorite movie infos in our play lists
- Sharing movies and TV show to your friends
We love to hear your feedback, we are here to help with any problems or concerns
Try the latest this app download now and enjoy
* This app is not for streaming/watching movies. This app just helps you to find movies & TV show easily
* All movies information and images are from licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0:
* We use the TMDB API, but it is not endorsed or certified by TMDB:
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