The myON app provides access to digital books from myON reader, a personalized, online literacy program that matches student’s interests and their reading level to a recommended book list. With over 5500 enhanced digital books with reading supports, students have access to all types of books and topics that will entice them to continue reading. Using the app, students can link their account to their school, and then read any book even when the Internet isn’t available.
Hear what students from across the country are saying:
· John in Florida, “I get to choose what I want to read.”
· Emilia in Illinois, “There are a lot of books for any age. You get to read as many books as you like because they keep adding books to your account.”
· Sally in South Carolina, “I like to read on myON reader because it’s fun.”
· Sam in Indiana, “When I forget my library book, I can still get books from myON reader.”
Hear what teachers and parents are saying about myON reader:
· Teacher Mr. Newhouse, “This student is just one of many 6th graders at our school that have been sucked into myON after being reluctant. I have been amazed at how even the noisiest 6th grade classroom becomes silent and focused when myON is brought into play.”
· Teacher Ms. Carnes: “myON makes kids want to read. Even my reluctant readers are excited to go onto MyON to read because they can all have access to the same text and can share it with their friends. Even if they can't read it for themselves, the system will read it for them and the students can then discuss the book together.”
· Parent in Indiana: As a parent of a child doing the myON Reading program, I have to say I LOVE this program. Paige's Lexile score has now doubled in the very short time she has been reading with this program. Her fluency has improved so much, which helps her better understand what she is reading. She has read over 80 books in the last couple of months. Her test scores in Reading have gotten so much better. We had considered getting her a tutor for Reading, because she could read, but not really comprehend what she was reading, when she was done. She now has an A in Reading with NO tutor.
· Parent in Florida: My child recognizes more and more words by reading with myON. She is only in Kindergarten but now reads books way above her level. We also like that there are so many books to choose from.
Version 1.0
· Students have their unique login and password to access over 3000 enhanced digital books
· Students can download up to 20 books to read off line
· If your child is a student at a school that has subscribed to myON, they can access the entire book collection. No subscription at school? No problem... the myON app let’s you access a free book!
Version 1.4
· The collection has expanded to over 5,000 books available with audio
· Additional publisher packages are available when the school has licensed more books
· Students can use a PIN instead of a password to register their account
· Activity data is collected properly from students outside of the US
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