Mounjaro weight loss
Sceptical, but desperate to try anything else to address my morbid obesity, I started the Mounjaro journey. Injectable pen used once a week. Very easy to use. Very clear instructions. Numan seem to have thought of everything. The bonus, and it’s a huge bonus, is the help from my health coach, Millie. It may be a person, or maybe AI, but the helpful advise I’ve received so far relating to my biggest weight problem, which is my mind and how I perceive myself, is top- drawer wisdom being given out as part and parcel of the monthly cost (I paid £194.65 this month July 2024 as month 2). It’s as though I’m asking for advice and I’m getting it straight from the entity that designed and created me, as Millie time and again is bang on the money with her suggestions for my mind to try a different kinder way of thinking. I gained weight week 1, but then lost significant weight in weeks 2-5. I’m talking significant. Dream come true weight. 11 pounds last week, 6 pounds this week. I feel I have some hope at last that maybe in a couple of years I might be able to walk in public without the fear of being pointed at by innocent young children asking why I am so fat! Thanks, so far, to Numan. One elated grateful genuine customer. (This is my honest opinion given voluntarily for which I’ve received no gain or incentive, financial or otherwise, from anything.)