Nusuk app is designed as a loyal guide on your spiritual journey, shedding light on every step, from the initiation of the ritual to its culmination.
The application provides an exceptional digital experience, helping travelers plan their journey, coordinate arrivals and departures, navigate transportation, and carry out sacred rituals at the Two Holy Mosques.
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Nusuk | نسك FAQ
Is Nusuk | نسك free?
Yes, Nusuk | نسك is completely free and it doesn't have any in-app purchases or subscriptions.
Is Nusuk | نسك legit?
⚠️ The Nusuk | نسك app has poor ratings and negative feedback. Users seem unsatisfied with its performance or features.
As an avid user of the NUSUK app, I’m disappointed to report that my experience has been marred by numerous technical glitches. One glaring issue is the inability to log in despite having created an account. Each attempt prompts the app to send an OTP to my email, yet I consistently fail to receive it, rendering me unable to access my account.
This recurrent problem not only frustrates users but also raises concerns about the reliability and functionality of the app. Despite several attempts to troubleshoot and reach out for support, the issue persists, indicating a systemic flaw in the app’s infrastructure.
Moreover, this flaw undermines the app’s primary purpose, diminishing its value and usability for users like myself who rely on it for various purposes. Until these issues are addressed and resolved, it’s challenging to recommend the NUSUK app to others, as its performance falls short of expectations.
In conclusion, while the NUSUK app shows promise in its concept and features, its current state leaves much to be desired. Without essential fixes and improvements, it fails to deliver a seamless user experience, ultimately detracting from its overall appeal and utility.
The worst app and customer service ever
Many bugs in the app, e.g. when booking for umrah or rawda (rayad ul jannah) it doesn’t show any dates available. All dates are greyed out, contacted customer service and they said they have no control over it just keep trying again and again and an available date might show up. How about fixing the app or getting proper developers to build it.
تطبيق سهل ورائع للحجاج
تطبيق سهل ورائع سهل الكثير على حجاج بيت الله الحرام. بارك الله فيكم على هذه الجهود الجبارة.
سلام عليكم انا مو قادرة اسجل الدخول يوم اوصل عند الرمز مااقدر اكمل معن حاطه الرمز مثل الشروط المكتوبه
برنامج دايم معلق
برنامج دايم معلق رغم التحديثات لدرجة ماتسفيد منه حتى في الحج .. معلق ولايقبل تسجيل ولايقبل اي شي
حذف التصريح من محفظة ابل
كيف احذف التصريح من محفظة آبل ؟!!!!
أسوأ تطبيق على الاطلاق
التطبيق سيء وغير فعال ولا منه فايدة واذا حالفك الحظ ودخلت الروضة الشريفة تعامل الموظفات سيء جداً جداً وأفشل شركة وتنظيم شركة علم 👎🏼
محب للخير
اشكر القائمين على هذا البرنامج وجزاهم الله عنا خير الجزاء وحفظ الله المملكة وقادتها وشعبها 🇸🇦
يعلق كثيير جداً
يعلق كثيير مرره و كل شوي تحديث و اصدارات
ما عاد مثل الاول