One Good Thing A Day
Surely, 1 good thing happened
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The simple act of jotting down at least one good thing that happens to you every day can have an wonderful and powerful impact on your day-to-day outlook and perspective. Even on your worst day, something good - the tiniest thing - probably happened; you might have to dig deep to come up with it, but even acknowledging even the little things like getting to pet a puppy or hearing a baby giggle can brighten up an otherwise gloomy time.

Imagine that you recorded one good thing every day for the year and on New Years Eve, you reviewed all the good things that you experienced throughout the past year. What a great way to step into the next year: feeling positive and filled with gratitude!

The database holding all of your good things is housed on your personal device, so it is completely private and safe. On our roadmap, the next updates will be adding the ability to export your good things to a readable document so that you all your good things together.
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3.31 out of 5

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Does one thing perfectly.

Reads in bed. on

Love this app. I wish more apps wouldn’t try to be everything to everybody. No pressure or stress or learning curve. I have found myself to be happier already. Also I prefer that it has you wrote down a good thing rather than gratitude as that implies certain beliefs. This is great.


WorstMarketingPloyEver on

I just downloaded v1.6 and the issue with not being able to type is all fixed! I’m excited to get my daily gratitude going again, this is my fave app to do it.

App doesn’t work.

reviewer0reviewer1 on

Simply, it’s broken. Don’t waste your time.

I was excited to get started

One sad momma :( on

Unfortunately it doesn’t let me type.


rollie1293 on

It doesn’t let me type anything...

Please repair this app

yoopermom4 on

I absolutely loved this app, but it doesn’t work any more 😢Please fix!


Crazzzzyyyy on

Happy thoughts make happy people

Easy to use, great app!

Jenkovy on

I’ve been working on adding more gratitude to my day, but struggle with a gratitude journal or more complicated approaches. This is a easy, intuitive, app that I think will really help. Thank you!

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App Info

Recent version
1.8 (4 months ago )
Released on
Jan 2, 2020 (4 years ago )
Last updated
1 week ago