After you reach 700 the game becomes impossible it speeds up incredibly fast as soon as you hit 700 Now I’ve got lightning reactions but this game is set to trip you up the moment you reach 700 it’s rigged and stops being any fun even if you got an extra life the game gets so fast that before you can even recover you get hit again then game over, To be honest I find the game pretty slow and easy up to 700 then the speed jump to max speed at 700 is just ridiculous there is no build up to that speed it goes from slow to average to button bashing ridiculous I mean you missed out hard and went straight to max speed I mean the speed at 600 it’s still pretty easy for me then it goes mental,Plus the super powers are a waste of time too it’s just a red circle around the character! No no you guys realised that after the game speeds up there is not much to it so you made it impossible to play after you get over 700 I mean there is no time to even get hit once before your hit again! It’s floored gameplay which only becomes obvious after 700 it should of been paced a lot better but it’s too much too fast making it a shallow game