No-frills IMAP client - not compatible with all IMAP accounts
I‘ve been searching for a long time for an email client that just fetches my emails from my providers via IMAP and displays them in an unified inbox, without adding some „smart“ features which violate my privacy or route my mails through their servers. This app seems to do exactly what I want. I hope that there’s no shady processing or tracking in the background, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Also the app size (<10MB) seems to indicate that the app does only what it is supposed to do. I could connect to two of my accounts and emails are displayed correctly. However, sometimes I get an arbitrary error message „Error - operation timed out“, without indicating what the problem is. Also I couldn’t get FaceID to work in order to unlock the app. When being used, the app connects to the domain „“, which seems a bit suspicious... EDIT: after trying to connect to another IMAP accounts I encountered the same error like another user reported: the app crashes and displays only a red screen when opened. The app still needs further development and stabilisation. I had to uninstall it because it‘s not usable for me, but I will check back when an update is available.