Continuous problems
I am a lease operator and have no choice to use Optima as my ELD .Optima ELD continuously crashes on a android tablet to where I cannot change duty status, certified logs, if I do certified logs, it cannot be transferred to the server to be uploaded. Every five hours I have to turn off and reset the tablet. I have been driving for the current company for just over a week and I am on the phone every other day trying to fix the optimum app. I switched over to my iPhone 15 Pro Max and have the same issues but not as often. In order to download your daily logs, you cannot do it from the app, you have to call your company for them to access your daily logs and email them to you on a daily weekly or monthly basis. The Optima ELD support has a hard time understanding The problems because of a language barrier if you speak Russian or Spanish, I don’t know if there’s a language barrier. They say they will call you back after the problem is fixed and they don’t if you are looking into the Optima ELD program your business and or drivers the heartache of having to call continuously to have the problems fixed. If I could change to Moto or a different ELD system or program I would. Good luck if you decide to use this program.