Games use algorithms to drain you and encourage irresponsible play
SCAM SCAM SCAM IF YOU WIN ANY MONEY THEY WONT ALLOW YOU TO WITHDRAW IT AND EVERY SPIN AFTER THAT WILL BE A LOSS UNTIL YOU HAVE NOTHING LEFT As soon as your network changes like say from mobile to wifi or vice veras or you start to speed up your betting the algorithm takes advantage and drains you all losses! You will see the game pause a second and the loadinfnspinning graphic will show for half a second and then it’s all losses after that. It’s obvious that there’s some shenanigans going on here. SCAMMMMM JUST DID 100 spins for $1 in a row and 0 wins 100% LOSSES ITS A SCAM Report them They only let you “win” if bonus money is involved they are literally BLEEDING people sry without giving them any chance of getting anything out you might win $500 with bonus money but as soon as the bonus is released you magically have exactly the same amount you started with or the algo changes to 100% losses until drained and or your withdrawal will pend and pend and pend and you will lose and lose and lose i can’t believe this is SANCTIONED by PA. They are literally allowed to algorithm trap and manipulate Pa tax payers it’s ridiculous Since leaving this review and reporting them every deposit is 99% losses … example I’ll deposit $15 and I’ll get 16 spins for $1 meaning one single $1 win or 2 0.50 one’s! THEY ARE SCAMMING USING ALGORITHMS