- How do you solve the problems you face while raising your child?
- How well do you know yourself and your child as a parent?
- How do you develop yourself as a parent?
Based on these three questions, we offer you a guide to raising children and young people. Parentwiser is a mobile application that is always with you while raising your child between the ages of 3 and 18, providing reliable and scientific information quickly about the problems you have with your child.
There are 5 main features that make Parentwiser different.
Scientific and Reliable Information
Many parents state that they are lost in information pollution and have difficulty in reaching reliable and scientific information. Parentwiser provides parents with scientific and reliable ideas and solutions.
Quick and Easy Access
Even if there is reliable information in the internet world, many parents state that they cannot access this information quickly and easily. Parentwiser provides fast access to reliable information 'just in the moment'.
Personalized Diagnosis
Many of the problems in the child are due to the attitudes of the parents. Parentwiser enables parents to get to know themselves and their children through scientific surveys.
Future Advice and Information
Parentwiser provides preliminary information to parents about the future by analyzing scientific surveys and the subjects examined by parents in the second stage.
Personal Information
The validity of the information differs according to different age groups. In the second stage, Parentwiser recognizes the person and provides information specific to him.
Applicable Solutions
Parentwiser not only offers scientific perspectives, but also offers directly applicable practical solutions.
Parentwiser consists of three parts.
1- Problem Based Trainings
The tutorials offer problem-based information. By watching the videos in the trainings and reading the articles, families understand the root causes of the problems they have with their children and learn direct solutions. For example, if there is sibling jealousy between two siblings, the parent will understand this problem in depth and learn solutions by watching the videos and reading the articles in the 'Sister Jealousy' tutorial.
2- Parent School Classes
In addition to problem-based videos, Parent School offers development-oriented information. Even if families do not have problems, it is important that they 'develop their competencies' as 'parents'. As their competencies develop, they will not have many problems with their children anyway. For example, if we listen to our child, our child will not need to 'cry' to be heard, or if we teach our child to express his anger in a healthy way, the problem of 'bedwetting' will not arise. It offers a 52-week development-oriented program with the Parent School. A new module is processed every week. For example, “How to develop the child's self-confidence?”, “How to build relationships with children?”, “How to give the child responsibility?” or “Why shouldn't children be praised?” Topics such as these will be covered every week as a module.
3- Scientific Surveys
It is very important for parents to know themselves in order to develop themselves. For example, if a child is ambitious, the mother and/or father are criticizing, praising, or pressing for success. In order to solve this problem, the family must first solve our scientific questionnaires and find the factor in themselves that creates the ambition in the child. Many problems in children will be solved when parents change their own behavior.
You will also get to know your child better thanks to our surveys. For example, you will discover whether a child who is shy in public acts because he is 'shy' or 'introverted'.
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