Broken App
The entity menu disappears after entering tickets, making the app nearly unusable. The keyboards are now stretched all across the page, making the 10 key massive and data entry laborious. The inability to go back and change data from prior days without massive waiting times and resetting your place in the menu is annoying at for one entry and infuriating for multiple entries and multiple days. This app is just best suffered by operators who never make mistakes with reliefs that enter data exactly perfectly always too. Scroll wheels for tank volumes wastes time and hinder accuracy. Having to access 4-5 separate pages to enter data prevents macros from porting data and much worse takes center stage as the most frustrating part of reporting data when not having a single place to enter tanks, tubing, casing, gas volumes, and tickets, especially with a 1.33% guarantee that the app will crash when switching between the fragmented data entry pages. Though 4-5 separate data entry pages for each well is illogical for every reason imaginable, the fractured data entry can be easily improved by following this simple data hierarchy: Tanks 1) Oil Tanks 2) Water Tanks 3) Tickets 4) Everything else Wellhead 1) Tubing 2) Casing 3) Choke 4) Sub/pumpjack/plunger metrics 5) Everything else Gas 1) Yesterday sales 2) Yesterday injection 3) Everything else Data like orifice metrics are secondary characteristics and are not necessary for the daily contamination of grease sheets. App wants to refresh routes daily, penalizing you with a non-negotiable bar that inhibits your ability from selecting lowly located buttons. If an operator is solely on one route for a 10 day hitch and the app is up to date with the data entered into it daily, there is zero reason she should have to soft lock her app for 2 minutes everyday to wait for a refresh the other routes too. Each of these issues alone may be trivial to someone’s face value estimation, but when working in concert together over 50+ wells over the course of a work year in addition to field duties, it is conclusively an unnecessary leviathan.