If only all EV charging companies were like this!
First off, no affiliation of any sort with PNG.. Second: they may not have the lowest tariffs and they may not have the biggest network.. But, and it’s a big but.. This is an app that actually works the way it should. Registration is a doddle, and using it to find chargers, and start and end charges couldn’t be easier. And it helps by timing how long you are plugged in. Having finally got to take my EV on its first proper jaunt (six months after I got it thanks to lockdown), I’ve tried Shell Recharge, BP Pulse, PodPoint etc etc. I’ve got PP at home and the app is perfectly ok, but the others are totally shambolic by comparison to PNG. Shell’s app doesn’t connect to half their chargers; it doesn’t allow you to report broken chargers (of which there are many, as Shell has outsourced or franchised its fledging earth shattering network and has appalling support for both the app and the network). BP’s app only allowed me to even register after six weeks of to’ing and fro’ing with tech support people, as they can’t decide what their own network is called (beware of Polar..) Compare this with PNG: i couldn’t fault the app, but I queried their overstay charge, as my EV was taking a while to charge up. Not only did I get a reply within two working hours, but it was actually, really and honestly, from their CEO! The dinosaur fuel vendors make lots of noise about saving the planet, but their feeble networks and appalling apps are nothing more than low cost virtue signalling while they continue to generate their profits from crushed trees and triceratops. PNG’s app and customer focus are a breath of fresh air. Literally. Keep up the good work, but reduce those tariffs.