Missing legislation?
Whilst I do find this app useful day to day, it’s quite handy when you know there’s an offence but can’t quite put your finger on the exact legislation. However, as I am paying the sub for up to date legislation and they’ve increased it recently which i can handle, why is the legislation not updated? Example. The Pet abduction act came into play in August 2024, 5 months on and it still isn’t showing in the app. Just on this example alone, I’d consider this quite important legislation given what offences occur at the moment around the abduction of pets. I would appreciate if the developer could explain why the latest legislation is not being added (even 5 months on), it starts to make me question whether or not existing legislation on the app is actually up to date? I am currently looking at reasonable alternatives to this app due to the above issue with updates, as opposed to the price increase, although a price increase shouldn’t not come with lack of updated legislation.