Please add these ‼️‼️‼️
These updates are essential if potato wants to become the next safe place for encrypted chats. Reactions in both chats & channels, option to add custom reaction as well. Ability to restrict saving/copying content Video resolution updates - 240, 360, 780, 1080р Security features for channels & chats - Request to join option, easier command (for banning / kicking / muting) Custom Link Integration - Being able to track who joins from what link / Make new custom links that you can decide how long you'd like them to last. More emojis / Gifs Photo Posting updates - Make it so you can post multiple photos with caption. Editing features - Hyperlinking / Text / Format / Bold, Also being able to go back and edit old posts. Allow multiple pinned messages in chats & channels. (Each time you click the pinned message it'll go to the next) Chat Quality Updates: Better / improved admin features - half the time you can't find users to add them to admin. Today Games Apps Arcade