We are the leading social marketplace to buy and sell items for your wedding, event or celebration. Pre-loved, used, or excess supplies!
Make money back from one of the biggest events of your life!
From birthday parties to baby showers, cocktail parties to bar mitzvahs - there are unlimited ways to reuse party supplies and pass them on to the next celebration.
SHOP OUR APP, then list your items to make money back.
LIST ITEMS for free!
No more single-use items or throw-away of extra supplies: flowers, backdrops, balloons, glassware, vintage, antique, lighting, tableware...the list is endless! If you bought it, you can sell it!
LUXURY WEDDINGS: list your specialty items once they've been used. This makes it affordable for the next bride or party celebration to have things they could not have afforded!
DIY BRIDES: list your one-of-a kind, handcrafted items after they've been used. You put your heart, soul and talent into your items - get paid for that!
VENDORS: list all the items you are done using as your themes change or you have overstock. You items are the inspiration of many of our buyers.
BUDGET CONSCIOUS BRIDES: list your items as you are an efficient buyer with a set budget. You can buy low and then RESELL. The cycle of reusing can go on and on.
SUSTAINABLE BRIDES: buy and sell to reuse, reuse, reuse. Because you know that your event doesn't need to cost the earth.
ECO-FRIENDLY BRIDES: reduce your carbon footprint at your next celebration by reusing items and choosing ones good for the environment.
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