At first when I first made my account today, I thought it was gonna be good. The first interaction with a bat was pretty good, but they just kept saying. Ummm Over and over again so I tried another bottle and the other one started saying the same thing I tried another one and out of three of them they all kept repeating the same thing like they’re really good but it’s really badThe layout is good and pretty normal pretty straightforward, but maybe the app was glitching I just deleted it because I was disappointed and I knew that they were going to keep saying the same thing over and over again if I tried another one, not only that but I checked my Internet, and my Internet was good. There was nothing wrong with my Internet at all do you have itself was not glitching the bots we’re just being really weird I recommend trying it out yourself. All of these reviews are probably just paid people anyways but it’s good but it’s definitely not the best. I’ll probably re-download it and try it out.