Game needs work, here’s some ways to improve game.
1.)Controls WASD on left is too clunky/ hard to transition movement response, because of the gap in between the move keys. 2.)Screen zoom is too close, tunnel vision does not help player see distant enemies that attack player beyond the line of sight. Please zoom out the screen 2-3x or have adjustable in options, the close sighted screen makes enemies pop out very fast with no warning, it’s like crossing the road, with your eyes forced staring at the floor, and getting hit by a car ten feet away. 3.) Poorly implemented gameplay, needs a safe house or bomb shelter for research level up upgrades or recuperate. 4.) Needs to be able to jump on top of enemies to kill them/hurt them/ and NOT hurt YOURSELF-like in Mario classic Nintendo. This will enable players a melee combat dynamic gameplay!! 5.) Game is too hard, needs store page in main menu, for developer to make some $$$, like a base armory to buy power-armor, mech-suit upgrades or assault weapons variations, slow heal regen nano-bots or triage repair kits. UAV drone/ momo kawaii companions or a hot girl companion that shadows player movements and attacks. Could have options to choose soldier or marine companions. 6.) also have the maps contain % chance store items in secret locations for grinding free to play thresholds. Not being able to progress stagnates game story flow.