I was always a big fan but now I quit SIQ. All my data since 2013 is gone. And according to the other feedback, I’m not the only one who it happened to. Developer DUNK puts implicite the blame on users by a suddenly appearing proclaimer: **AS EVER, PLEASE NOTE YOUR QUITTING DETAILS BEFORE UPDATE (just in case)** Really... noting data like in the eighties and nineties? By the way: what happened to the word “sorry”? It’s more likely that the developer himself forgot to back up (what if this was a popular 200-leveled game and I was on level 199?) Better is to turn the proclaimer in a message to DUNK: **AS EVER, PLEASE BE SURE THAT OUR QUITTING-DATA WAS BACK-UPPED BEFORE UPDATES AND RE-INSTALL THE DATA AFTER UPDATE (just in case)**