It’s changed
I have coming here on and off for 3 years. I took a class this morning with an instructor I haven’t had before, or at least didn’t recall. She never asked is there anything going on in your body to be aware off nor even my name. Myself and one other client are tall. Instructor was much shorter then we were. Her class was designed for her, we were doing totally different moves bc of our leg length. When I commented that it’s really different her response was “you are fine”. She actually was so rude and made me feel like I was weak. When in fact others were doing well squats standing and I was in a constant squat using solely my hamstring while they were glute and hamstring. Hard pass on taking her class ever again. The other client and I chatted after class and she was visiting a friend—she was blown away at the rudeness and how it was a class for a single body height.