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I used to use it sometimes with my old group doing Paranormal investigations and when it comes out with something pertaining to what you’re asking it’s usually very specific which makes it believable. It makes weird noises and different peoples voices and whispers and sometimes has an accent but when it works it works! You can’t ask any spirit to talk to you on demand but sometimes you’re really lucky and your connection. I think it has to do with your frame of mind, how open you are, grounded etc. I had not used it for a long time until yesterday and I got actual phrases. From my mom: “I am here honey“ when I asked if she was here with me. Long story short I had extremely bonded cats that are both passed and my wish is always for them to be together. I said Patches are you with Pokey? and I got “I’m here with him“. As soon as I turned it on I had both a man and a woman say hi. As I have learned to do I said that only specific people and things could come through and I didn’t seem to get as many random noises or voices. I like this better than the SB7/11 spirit boxes because you don’t have all that crazy noise from the sped up radio station in the background. Not only are they hard to hear but if you’re recording it’s hard to understand with all of the frequency noise. Just like any investigative tool, you will get things that aren’t pertinent and don’t make sense but then again there are spirits everywhere all the time and they’re not necessarily going to answer you or have anything to do with what you’re talking about or engage with you -you’re just picking up on their random stuff. So yes I do give this credit for being credible.