GaMzEe kEyBoArD :o)
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GaMzEe kEyBoArD :o)
tHiS ApP DoEs iT'S PuRpOsE. i didN'T rEaLLY mEaN To pUrChAsE it i tHoUgHt iT WaS FrEe bUuUuUt i dOuBLe CLicKeD ThE SiDe bUtToN BeFoRe rEaDiNg ThAt iT CoSt mOnEy aNd iT SCaNnEd mY FaCe vErY QuicKLY WhEn i did rEaLiZe i wAs aBoUt tO GeT This aPp fOr rEaL MoNeY BuT it's finE ThOuGh bEcAusE i'M NoT ReALLy mAd aBoUt iT
Why take 5 minutes going in and out of lowercase and caps lock when you can pay a measly .99 cents just to be able to type the way you want nOw i cAn tYpE LiKe tHiS AnD iM cOmpLeTeLy OpTiMiZiNg mY TiMe aNd NoW i HaVe ThE AbiLitY To dO MoRe oF ThE ThinGs tHaT i LoVe witH ThE PeOpLe tHaT i LOVe!♡
This iS ThE BeST aPp i'LL EvEr uSe. i BoUgHt tHiS ApP AfTeR SeEiNg dAnieL AnD ViNcEnT pOsT it oN inStAgRaM. tHis iS ThE BeSt dOLLaR EvEr.
tHiS is tHe bEsT 99 cEnTs i eVeR uSeD AnD PLUs i cAn aNnOy mY FrieNdS EvErYtimE i TeXt tHeM HeHe🙂
i LOvE it
So bASiCaLLY iT DoEs SoMe wEiRd tHiNgS LiKe WhEn yoU BaCksPacE it dOeSnT CoRrEcT iTs oRdEr oF UpPeR ANd LOwEr cAsE. aLsO ThErE is nO AuTo cOrReCt. i wOLD ALSo LikE An eMoJi kEyBoRd iNcLuDEd. i MeAn iK im bEinG PiCkY BuT if i sPeNd a DoLLa on suM i WaNt iT To bE GoOd iGhT?
i LoVe uSiNg tHiS NoW WhEnEvEr i CoMe aCrOsS SoMe iDioTiC CoMmEnT On sOciAL mEdia, iM NOt sUrE WhY BuT SoMeTiMeS it dOeSnT AuToMaTiCaLLY CaPiTaLiZe LEtTeRs wHeN ThEy sHOuLd bE CaPiTaLiZeD
i NeEd aUtOcOrReCt bAd cAuSe iT WoULD Be mUcH NeEdEd tO HeLp mE TyPe iTs tErRiBLE LiKe rEaLLY BaD BuT it dEaFeAtS ThE PuRpOsE Of a kEyBoArD
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