Love the game and have ideas
Love the game don’t get me wrong but I have some significant QOL issues-ideas. 1)I think that it should only need to be watered once to grow crops as opposed to every single time you grow a crop which needs irritating/impossible amounts of amphora 2)perhaps if grown next to ocean it should also automatically water 3)crops should be perennial automatic regrowing unless you change them on purpose so it doesn’t take eternity to deal with them. 4)should be able to filter quest rewards for actually wanted ones(as is once you get lv 10 of skills it’s worthless to get more of the same item it should stack permanently like how lessons do) 5)I feel like for how much effort a whole run is the castle we get should be as big on EACH floor as the NPC castle so we truly have space instead of rapidly running out of space once we start buying stuff 6)should be able to use aged moss for fires same as “normal” lower quality moss OR be able to filter merchant supplies for stuff we actually want/need instead of literally irrelevant garbage. 7)and this is the inspiration for this review, by all that’s Holy and even that which isn’t we NEED NEED NEED NEED a better way to do maps the main map should be marked with the locations cause as is it’s infinitely too vague and irritating to actually hunt the maps it’s not fun or even fun challenging it’s literally not worth the effort and again makes many quests rewards worthless because I will never do any again because they’re too impossible to figure out where it actually is. Perhaps repurpose the metal detector(which is honestly about useless given you can just find tin caves and enemies on your own) to detect the map spots I’d even PAY for such a feature GLADLY to make the maps actually have use/not be frustrating and enraging. I really hope the devs read this and consider adding it it would mean the world to me and many others I bet :) edit: also as an idea, perhaps the ability to control how much of each environment we have like as is you can reduce or enlarge forests but what if we could say increase ice zones or dinosaur areas etc. and even better what if there was an extra structures/village setting to “force” more or less of them which radically alters how a map plays. Also, perhaps the crowbar dungeons should be able to be enlarged/shrunk similarly at will AND an increased loot pool of more “advanced” decorations(like stuff beyond the normal extinguished torches and barrels maybe stuff like thrones and such ESPECIALLY as a s