Another bad game by “game developers”
Where to start, well we can start by saying the damage the swords do is completely inconsistent, hit boxes are inconsistent, the cost scaling on upgrades is ridiculous, etc. You also can’t miss the fact that once you reach the end of the runway once, the entire game changes and no longer functions at all. They force you into this new mode that becomes the new hub for the entire game. On top of that, most of your swords on the runway levels will not just stick straight up meaning you can collect more swords, but they won’t do any damage because they’re not aimed anywhere. I had this game downloaded a few years ago and it was simple, endless fun (minus the onslaught of ads), what happened? Why ruin something that worked? I mean come on you even have fake bubbles of power ups and stamina boosts in the portal levels that are locked behind ads. Why even place them in the level if i have to stop playing the game to even get them? Overall, this proves once again that Rollic are a bunch of freeloading idiots who basically code the equivalent of malware that throws ads everywhere on your device. The fact they are even allowed to make and release games is baffling as it would do more societal good to just shoot the entire team and call it a day.