Bad progress cap
To unlock new regions of the map you need to complete several quests. When you reach the Africa South region you will be around levels 70-73. To finish Africa South you need to reach level 90! The only way to level up is by buying and leveling up new train cars. Only ones you haven’t got before. And these give you very little XP towards new levels for which you’ll need more XP for each higher level. Which means you’ll be stuck for literal real life months trying to go to all the factories all around the world building all their cars and leveling them to level 3, and even then you won’t have enough XP to get to level 90. It forces you to purchase premium currency with real money to progress. I’m level 76 and at this point I just log on to get the free car from the gumball machine. Which is 99% of the time one I already have so it doesn’t give me any XP. And then I log off again.