Tracker Jacker makes tracking your items a breeze with the following features:
• Easily inventory your belongings or collections
• Create Categories and Sub-Categories to organize your items
• Create Locations so you know where your items are stored
• Easily extract text from photos and attach that text to your item description
• Easily scan barcodes and attach those results to your item description
• Take photo(s) of your items
• Your items become fully searchable in the app
• Your items and their photos are available to send as email messages
• Export lists of your collections and use them in Excel or directly in email
Tracker Jacker also helps facilitate tracking your items for insurance purposes too! For example, scan the back of your hardware items and easily extract the serial numbers, model numbers, and any other specific details required for insurance purposes. Then easily email all of that information to you insurance agent along with any photos you took. All from within the app!
Want to catalog your collection of Nike shoes? There's no better way to do it. Extract all of the text from your shoe boxes, take your photos, and create your different categories. If you ever decide to sell or trade you're all set! Easily send your items to the buyer. Or just enjoy having your collection cataloged.
Designer purses, jewelry, coin collections, etc -- ANYTHING you COLLECT or want to inventory.
Tracker Jacker is, in fact, a better mouse trap. The hierarchical view of your items, alone, makes this app a joy to use.
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