Fix your ads system
I will change my rating to 5 when you fix the apps ads system since is so poorly designed that it literally breaks the app at times. The first thing that needs to be dealt with is the ads consent pop up which appears every time i open the app (often more than once) no matter that i have already clicked on consent. The second thing is the way your normal ads appear. When the image ad pops the screen freezes before the image has been visually rendered on the screen resulting in my click and redirection to the ad sketchy website. Instead of overlay i suggest you use sheet or fullScreenCover so that there is at least an animation like indication that there is an ad coming. You have to make them more pleasant to the user so that there is a chance they click on them. Right now its more like a jump-scare. From what i can see you have implemented not one but two (or more) ads systems (I assume admob and the unity ads). At times the two systems overlap resulting in breaks in some of your ui components like the tab bar. Also something even more annoying than previously described phenomenon is when the super long game ads break and not present me the close button at the end making me to have to reopen the app after i have interacted with the most annoying of all ads. There are also two more bugs that i have noticed apart from the ads. When I play music and leave the app running in the background, the iPhone’s media player interface doesn’t recognize it, allowing me to play music from another app simultaneously. This should be synchronized with the iOS media player to avoid overlaps. Occasionally, when I change songs within my playlist, the media player interface freezes, showing the previous song’s image and title instead of updating. This inconsistency is confusing and affects the overall usability of the app.